Whispers of my mind

Taking you through the whispers of my mind. Making known the voices inside me.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Greetings to KK our VP: tikukadya ndalama za misonkho ku sand festival ife.

If you ask me to describe a Civil Servant for you I would tell you that a civil servant is that miserable man in town, who dresses shabbily and is not expected to own a house, car or run any business at all. Doing so would mean having “unexplained wealth” according to Malawi’s standards therefore the ACB, Police and the Financial Intelligence Unit will be breathing heavily on your neck because you deserve to be bundled in a police Land Cruiser, having your house searched and thrown into jail because you have committed a crime.

Not that I am trying to justify the looting of public resources, no, but am just trying to look at this episode with different lenses. The question being whispered heavily in my mind is; which one is explained wealth and which one is unexplained wealth? 

For example what do you call this? I remember very well sometime back I was asked to attend a press conference somewhere in town to do with football. The one addressing the media was a certain big business guy from Lilongwe. This man is well known for sponsoring some football activities and he is extremely rich. But what amazes me is that this big man is somebody who cannot utter a simple word in English and I hear he struggles to read or write but he is such a big guy in the capital. 

At the press briefing he had come with a blue plastic bag that contained huge sums of money and he told us that he was carrying K3 million in that bag. According to him this was money he had collected from some of his customers in Limbe. Is this explained or unexplained wealth?

Where did this man get all the money to turn into a business tycoon? 

To us having explained wealth is where somebody who is working for a bank that bombards us with so many charges simply for keeping our money where for you to get a loan you will be greeted with an unexplained interest but be assured that the gentleman who heads that bank at the end of the year will be pocketing close to K50 million in bonuses. This to us is explained wealth. Forget about how that bank makes its money, how they are reaping customers off their money and all that. As long as he pockets K50 million we are okay with it and we call him a big man.

Explained wealth is where a cabinet minister gets into government driving a Toyota corolla but barely two months in office he now owns 3 houses, the car in town, Toyota Fortuner, a Pajero, 3 pickups, 5 Lorries and other property. Remember he gets not more than K800, 000, but to us that’s explained wealth and the police can’t do anything about it.

Let’s take a look at these parastatals, how the CEOs there are owning mansions in town, driving posh cars, changing concubines at will, throwing parties and splashing money to these small small girls. The police are okey with it; the ACB can’t even investigate them and this Financial Intelligence chanichani can’t even make steps against them because this is “explained wealth”. Oh my God!

Have I mentioned the president here? We all know the stories about Bakili Muluzi, now allegations about Bingu, as for Joyce Banda we don’t need to be told the stories because we are able to see for ourselves. This again can be categorised as unexplained wealth (writing wile laughing)

If a civil servant dares to take to the streets asking for better perks he becomes an agent of the opposition sent by Peter Mutharika to fight amayi. Why? Because this is a person who is destined for misery.  
My point is, as we are sweeping the civil service of corruption and theft; let’s not neglect other systems that are prone for abuse. It’s not only the civil service that is rotten, even the private sector and other public sectors stink of corruption and theft, only that they seem to be very big people that can’t be touched. Tawapezelela ma accounts assistant omwewatu ndithu. 

By the way, greetings to the Vice President Khumbo Kachali. Let’s meet at the Sand Festival in Lilongwe, tikukadya money ya misonkhotu ife kumeneku, mwatilira.

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